Saturday, October 22, 2011

What to Do When Leaving a Current Job Without a New Job Replacement

For someone who plans to leave a current job, the most practical thing to do is to secure a new job first before leaving the company. This way, you secure your future and avoid the stress that the state of being jobless presents.

However, there are instances that the only way to do is to leave immediately without any idea where you would work next. Different factors may affect the sudden decision. Some reason may involve the current situation of the company; probably the company's goal is not making any sense with your own career goal. Other reasons may involve your personal life. Maybe your current situation needs you to leave your current work immediately.

Whatever the reason may be of the sudden decision of leaving and not securing a new job, you need not worry that you may not land a job soon. The first thing you need to do is to make contact with your friends. Inform them of your current situation, tell them that you are leaving your current work and have not secured a new job yet. You will be surprised that some of your friends might give you referrals. There are lots of job openings that some companies tend to make it an internal thing rather than post it publicly. Before your last day of work, contact as many friends as possible. If you have lots of time, and your friends as well, you can meet up with them personally so that they could see the sincerity.

The next thing to do is to look for part time jobs. While you are still figuring out your next permanent job, you can always try out part time jobs that you would enjoy. For instance you are into mountain climbing. You can always join and work as part time in a gym or a school that teaches mountain climbing or organizes one. You will be surprised how rewarding it is to do something you really enjoy. Think of it as a vacation while looking for a permanent job.

Always keep your resume updated. You may never know when the opportunity comes in your door. Make sure that you are prepared any time. Also, keep in mind that not all job applications may turn out good. You are not the only person looking for jobs, there are those who have better qualifications than you. But still, keep a positive view of things. The right job will be given to you soon.

While looking for a job, you need to make some changes in your lifestyle. If you happen to be eating out most of the time, well this time you need to learn to cook your food. You will be surprised how much you will actually save.

Keep the positive attitude. Do not be worried that you are leaving your current job without a job replacement. If you decide to do so, make sure you are prepared of what you are about to face. Planning is the key.

For more information on various career opportunities and prospects to help jump-start your career please visit at, an ideal place to find help for any job specific challenge you might be facing.

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Life Happens - Stop Stressing Over Work Today

Telling people not to stress over their jobs is often like telling kids not to cry when their dog dies. It's almost impossible, because the situation practically calls for it. There are many times when stress is warranted in the workplace, but also many times when it can be avoided and traded in for a more relaxed and accepting attitude. If you take the time to learn about all the different stressors on the job and realize that life happens to everyone, you will be much better able to make the most of your career, no matter how stressful it might seem at first. Life is a journey, and your career is an important part of that journey. Make sure that you have what it takes to get through that part without creating unnecessary stress.

Everyone has days when they don't like their jobs. Many people are even working in jobs that they never wanted, but need to keep their financial security. If you are one of these people, try to find the good in every situation, and make light of things wherever you can. It's not always going to be ideal for you to work in a particular place or on a particular project, but you can do it and find some good in it if you look hard enough. It's always easier said than done to change your attitude about work, but it's true that your attitude can do a lot to improve your stress level.

Take things in stride, and learn when it's okay to stress and when you're better off not making a big deal over nothing. Do whatever you can to make the most of every day and focus on a goal or dream that you are trying to achieve in the meantime. If you're not trying to achieve any goals or dreams and just trying to survive your job (which you hate), you probably need to rethink some things. It doesn't matter what you decide to rethink, because you are never so trapped that you have to work a job that you hate forever.

Keep the job, minimize your stress, and start looking for a better job or a career doing something that you enjoy. Life is going to whiz right by and if you spend your 40 or 50 working years in a job that you hate, you're going to miss out on a lot. Don't let this happen, because you can find ways to get over stress and ways to make the most of your job, no matter what it might be. Just remember that you work because you have to. Don't let it ruin the rest of your life by constantly stressing about the job that you have.

Tony Jacowski is a quality analyst for The MBA Journal. Aveta Solutions - Six Sigma Online ( ) offers online six sigma training and certification classes for lean six sigma, black belts, green belts, and yellow belts.

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Top Reasons Why People Go Back to School

Ever contemplate about going back to school?

Top Reasons Why People Go Back to School

Sometimes, it is just a fleeting thought -- then for just a moment in time, the thought disappears. Many throw in the towel because they don't know where to begin. Others are afflicted with inertia and never get enough energy to get themselves off the darn couch and do something!

One thing is for sure -- you are not alone. Millions of Americans go back to school.

1. Start your own business. This is the dream of many Americans to work for themselves. This dream actually drives our economy, it's instilled in our national imagination, and its a dream promoted by our colleges and universities. No matter what you need to study to fulfill your dream there are extensive degree options available.

2. Paycheck increase. Continuing education often pays for itself. Financial aid enables students to enroll in marketable programs then pay for them afterwards. Once they have their degree their earning potential increases and therefore, study now, pay later is a great way to go.

3. Re-training. Some want a second income and need re-trained to stay competitive. Whenever new opportunities arise, they will be ready for them. Flexible workers who have a variety of skills are much better positioned to adapt and excel.

4. Their Dream. A person may have a dream to thrive at a special skill such as; culinary arts, forensics or just increasing income.

5. Fascination with Technology and its accelerating pace and longing to be a part of it. This is itself can be quite lucrative.

6. Want to learn a trade. There are endless options to pursue from an HVAC or an Electrician School, Automotive Technology with a Diesel Mechanic or Auto Mechanic School. A desire to achieve stable employment and pride in skilled work is overwhelming.

7. Finishing College. Sometimes things happen and some are not able to finish college. So if you are dreaming about getting that degree that you had started so many years ago -- it's not too late! Give yourself that second chance and get yourself close to a much better future.

8. Career Change. People who have been laid off have it rough. Those who are proative and keep up with their education are usually the most successful in life. If you are out of work anyway, why not take advantage of that pocket of time and acquire new skills? Position yourself to be in a better position once a job opportunity becomes available.

9. Bring themselves "up to speed" on new technologies and skills in their desired field of work.

If you are seriously considering going back to school, it may be a good idea to take a good hard look at Rosdale Tech. Rosedale is a Pennsylvania Technical School in Pittsburgh with a history of preparing students for employment. Do a search on pennsylvania technical schools or visit

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Job Success - Creating Careers From Your Passion

Anyone will tell you that the trick to having a career that you love is being passionate about what you do. Some people aren't always afforded this pleasure when it comes to the job world, which is why it can be hard to hear another story about how you just need to find what you love, and make a career out of it. However, with a few helpful hints, you really can do just that, as long as you are prepared to put in the effort. Don't stay in a dead-end job forever just because you feel like you have to. You don't, and here's why.

-There are so many opportunities out in the world, even when you might not think they exist. You just need to look hard enough so that you can find them. Take the time to consider all the different careers that you could have, and then go out and make the most of them so that you can find the perfect fit.

-Keep your job so that you have financial security, but keep it with the knowledge that it is temporary, and not permanent. When you have the mindset that you will change, your odds of success are much better.

-Don't do anything crazy or irrational because this can cause more stress than you realize. Instead, be realistic and go about finding your dream job in a responsible and productive manner. That way, you'll enjoy it all the more when it is finally yours to have.

-If you can't do what you love where you are, consider relocating. What's holding you down, and what's holding you back? Family and friends can be visited, but it's up to you to determine what is most important in your life, and to make the best choices based on that criteria.

-Have a plan. Be organized, prepared, and deliberate about finding a career that you can be passionate about. Don't just hop on a plane and fly across the country to find a new life. Plan it out ahead of time and you will be much more successful.

All of these things need to be taken into consideration when you are on the hunt for your perfect career. You don't need to worry about finding it right away, or even about knowing all the answers if you don't. It's going to be a journey of exploration and discovery, and you need to take all the time that you feel necessary to figure out where to go from here. No one can tell you what your perfect job would be, so you need to be prepared to figure it out for yourself. If you do this properly, you CAN have a career that you are passionate about.

Tony Jacowski is a quality analyst for The MBA Journal. Aveta Solutions - Six Sigma Online ( ) offers online six sigma training and certification classes for lean six sigma, black belts, green belts, and yellow belts.

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The Advantages Of Further Education For Enhancing Jobs And Careers

With fewer jobs available today, many are returning to school in order to give them an edge above the competition. For those with only a high school diploma or GED today's job market is extremely difficult, but for those returning to school things are beginning to look brighter. But understanding positions that satisfy all one's requirements is important when deciding to return to school in order to specialize in Jobs and Careers that are intended to make life better.

The medical field is one area that has the most openings and always has. This profession is diverse by nature in that it serves the populace in many ways. For many the thought of medicine automatically brings visions of doctors and nurses to mind but, actually, there are many more specialties within this field. Pharmacy, medical records, physical therapy, radiology, and many more subgroups fall within this field which makes it extremely appealing.

Although the teaching profession at one time seemed to always need qualified individuals, with today's governmental cutbacks it is harder to find employment in this field. This will not always be the case, however, and as the economy recovers, more and more people will be needed to teach those that will one day run the country. Identifying which specific field one wants to go into will help work toward determining the educational coursework that will ensure a job is found regardless of economic conditions.

Regardless of the job one wants to hold, following through on educational opportunities beyond high school will be of benefit. It's important to understand, however, that just because an institution claims to be a "college", there is much difference between schools and ensuring attends an accredited institution will be advantageous in the long run. For many, initial coursework beyond high school will help "get a foot in the door", however, if one attends a college that does not hold accreditation, credits will not be transferable if one wants to return to school.

For those who are older, it's also important than when registering, counselors give credit for any actual work experience done. Many forget to mention this and take courses they might otherwise be able to avoid with work experience credits. For instance, if one has been in an office for 20 years, taking a basic computer course would be a waste of time. With the on-the-job experience already completed credits can be given for basic level coursework in technology which will allow the completion of coursework much sooner.

For those considering whether or not to return to college, there will probably never be a better time. A great deal of money is currently available to pay for classes and payback does not begin until two months after graduation. It provides the means to advance an existing Jobs and Careers as well as provides an opportunity to try something new. Education is never a bad choice because, even if it is never used, one walks away knowing they have accomplished something great.

Get exclusive inside info on the pro's of further eduction now in our complete Lidl Jobs guide on

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Courier Jobs and Late Nights

There's a balance to be struck when it comes to driving while tired, working as a courier. Jobs may require you to keep driving for long periods each day, as well as during late hours when most other drivers will be safely in bed. Of around 23,000 crashes a year, 2,300 of them are thought to be caused by fatigue - and courier jobs require drivers willing to be out on the roads more often than most. With that in mind, there are some basic 'dos and don'ts' in order to keep couriers safe when working long hours and feeling tired on the roads.

Plan in advance

Make sure to plan in advance. Courier jobs can last significantly longer than you expect, especially when trying to find a destination you haven't been to before. A good rule of thumb is to stop for a fifteen minute break for every two hours spent driving.

Be careful when driving late

Between midnight and 6am, natural alertness is especially low. Instead of working through these hours, many couriers will take the opportunity to rest before picking up a return load and then making the journey back. For a courier, jobs can often be made more profitable by arranging a return load before ever setting out.

Stop to rest

If you find yourself nodding off, it's best to find a safe place to stop, take a short nap of about twenty minutes, and then set off with an energy drink or caffeine tablet. Many new couriers believe the more time spent driving, the more jobs completed - but an accident can amount to hundreds of missed courier jobs, during repairs or worse.

Radio waves

Don't rely on turning up the radio or opening the window to keep you awake while driving. They'll do little to delay the onset of tiredness, and listening to the radio may even prove a dangerous distraction while tired, taking your attention from the road.

Avoid drowsiness

Although working as a courier is definitely a full-time job, sometimes life can get in the way. Falling ill can be unavoidable at times, but what is avoidable are any effects of the medicines you choose to take as a result. Common medicines such as hay fever tablets can cause drowsiness, so it's best to check beforehand. And, of course, alcohol should be avoided for the serious courier. Jobs may require a good memory for directions, and your reaction time while driving can be slowed by too much alcohol consumption on your days off.

A few strange ideas

There are some strange ideas about keeping awake while driving; and most aren't as effective as they seem. One recommendation is to suck lemons while driving, as the powerful bitterness might be enough to keep anyone awake. Cutting the lemons while driving, on the other hand, is a different story - and a task most people would struggle with while wide-awake, let alone half-asleep. Similarly, attempting to do two things at once is often recommended, but multitasking at such a time stretches your concentration even further than the task you're already undertaking. When it comes to courier jobs, they're a lot easier when you are completely rested.

Norman Dulwich is a correspondent for Courier Exchange, the world's largest neutral trading hub for the same day courier jobs and express freight exchange industry. Over 2,500 transport exchange businesses are networked together through their website, trading courier services and capacity in a safe 'wholesale' environment.

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Medical Employment Agencies - Beneficial to Both Employer and Employee

The demand for health care workers is growing exponentially as an aging population is far outweighing the decreasing rate of growth of younger people in the workforce. This represents a double edge knife, as the decreasing population that is able to perform meaningful work activities is coupled with an increasing proportion of the population that are in their retirement years, requiring further and more acute medical attention and resources.

As these trends continue, many countries are involved in a struggle to attract medical staff to fill the ever growing lists of vacancies. In this competitive market, employers are increasingly turning to medical recruitment agencies to source and secure suitably experienced doctors. Additionally, prospective healthcare employees are also utilising the services of medical recruitment agencies, as their carefully nurtured relationships and contacts within the industry empower them to secure part and full time positions and assignments that are both professionally and personally rewarding.

There are numerous advantages for both prospective staff and employers for employing the services of a reputable medical employment agency. For employees, with the plethora of positions listed with agencies, applicants will have immediate access to the best opportunities. The agency staff will actively match your education, experience and background to locate assignments that best meet your skills and needs. Many opportunities in the medical sector are only advertised through specialist recruitment agencies, resulting in those who are not registered being unable to access some of the best jobs available in the market.

Additionally, when registering with a healthcare specialist recruitment agency, there is an abundance of additional support and tools that they provide to the budding employee. Whether your curriculum vitae needs a spruce up, your interviewing skills need a little practice or perhaps you need liaison between the medical employment agency and the employer for any issues that may arise.

In respect to hospitals and other institutions requiring medical staff, medical employment agencies assist these health providers in proving personnel that ensures the safe and smooth running of these facilities. Their databases comprise the whole spectrum of professional medical staff, from doctors to nurses, physicians to pharmacists. Potential employees are vetted by the agency which not only reduces the costs and time involved by the private and public institutions of sourcing, interviewing and hiring staff, but ensures that the background of those individuals are specifically suited to the needs of the employer.

The notion that medical employment agencies only deal with the allocation of part time or temporary positions is a fallacy, with many institutions turning to these agencies for full time positions that offer further training and career mobility. However, when choosing the services of a medical recruitment agency, thorough research should be conducted to ensure that the respective agency has the staff and experience to source the right positions and applicants.

Geneva Health International Ltd is a leader in its field of health staffing and recruitment. They have a wide variety of major staff supply contracts, within Australia, New Zealand, UK and overseas, and have extensive experience in meeting the needs of a significant number of large and small health organisations.

Their aim is to deliver quality staff and care solutions. Combining specialist health industry staffing knowledge and experience; with professionalism, understanding and exemplary service standards. Geneva Health, can and do respond faster, smarter and more proactively to provide exceptional service every time.

Geneva Doctors is a Medical Employment Agency service experienced in placing medical staff in positions of their choice. Dedicated solely to medical staffing and recruitment services, the Recruitment Consultants have specific experience and expertise in recruiting doctors. Geneva Doctors - Medical Employment Agencies

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