Tuesday, October 18, 2011

How Does Instinct Evolve?

Well-Researched Modern Science Helps You to See That DARWIN DIDN'T KNOW THE ANSWER TO The Most Completely Overlooked and Fatal Question Evolution Has Ever Had to Face!

A Herring Gull Chick Taps the Red Spot on Its Mother's Beak. The Mother Then Regurgitates Fish She Has Caught - So the Chick Can Eat and Survive.

But How Does the Chick Know about Tapping Her Beak? And How Does the Mother Know About Regurgitating?


But How Did this Instinct Start? And How did it get into the Bird? The instinct was there in the very first Herring Gull - however many millions of years ago that may be. And it was there complete and fully formed: or there would be no Herring Gulls today. If the chick didn't tap, it would have starved. If the mother didn't regurgitate, again the chick would have starved. BOTH BEHAVIOURS had to appear at exactly the same time. How did this happen?


After all...

Whoever heard of a new-born baby making a 3000+ mile journey home - on its own? Underwater, at that!

That is exactly what young eels do. Their parents migrate from rivers in Europe 3000+ miles south and southwest, down the west coast of Africa, then turn right and swim to the Sargasso Sea. They spawn there, THEN THEY ALL DIE, AND NEVER RETURN to Europe. The young eels then swim home to Europe, which is 3000+ miles away. With no guides, no adults to lead them home. How can they possibly manage such a navigational feat? INSTINCT is the only answer that can be given. But how did the instinct start? And how did it get into the fish in the first place? And it had to be there perfectly right from the word 'go' - or eels would be extinct too. They HAVE to get to freshwater - there's none in the Atlantic Ocean - or they would never reach sexual maturity, and the species would perish. So if the navigational instinct misdirected them, they would swim till they died in salt water, in the Falklands, the Azores, the Arctic Ocean or some other unsuitable place. 'Extinct' is probably not too strong a description. Those are just two of the many startling illustrations of instinct in action found in this book. They are beautiful, bizarre, unbelievably complex examples - and evolution cannot account for the origin of a single one of them. In every case as you will see, if the instinct is absent, or imperfect, species extinction would immediately follow.



Not only these virtuoso displays of startling behaviour like those above, but EVERY SINGLE FUNCTION, of EVERY SINGLE LIVING CELL, in EVERY LIVING ORGANISM depends absolutely on instinct for its survival.

Evolution argues about how legs, wings, lungs and every other organ could have evolved. Did birds' wings evolve from reptile forelimbs? Did feathers evolve from scales? Did fish develop legs and walk on land?

All the scientific papers written to prove any of the above cases, and many others, are now irrelevant in the light of this discovery. Imagine that! A single discovery uprooting a major scientific theory! This happens from time to time. A very recent discovery (published in the January 2010 issue of Nature journal - one of the most prestigious scientific journals on the planet) showed that a major plank of the evolution of four-limbed animals (called Tiktaalik) was totally mistaken. Hailed as the first species of fish to walk on land, and one possible ancestor of all tetrapods, imagine the absolute horror all round when tetrapod tracks, some 18 or more million years older than Tiktaalik were found! The Law of Asynctropy, first formally stated in this book, at a single blow destroys all such arguments and makes them totally irrelevant to the facts of every case ever presented as support for the theory of evolution... It is the most powerful and destructive single piece of evidence ever raised against evolution, which is helpless in the face of the Law.

Take Respiration as the most important example possible.

Today, we can possibly mix all of the chemicals found in the respiratory cycle in a test tube. But respiration will not take place. The powering instinct is absent, the driving force is missing. This simple fact has huge spin-off consequences for the existence of life itself, and for the inadequacy of evolution theory, which are drawn out in full in the text.

Instinct crosses the barrier of death, somehow.

As in the case of the eels above, there are innumerable examples where the parents die, and the offspring do the same marvellous things that the parents did, WITHOUT EVER SEEING THEM! The young of the Yucca moth (Pronuba spp) does just that. Just as remarkably, a wasp (Eumenes spp) somehow knows the gender of its young before it collects food for it to eat when it hatches! And provides an escape route for it if the prey gets too frisky in the mud igloo the mother somehow knows how to build! And just to add more fuel to the fire, the mother anaesthetises the grubs it catches for the young - why? So the young wasp can have fresh, non-putrefying food to eat. She then dies. The young wasp never sees its parents - but goes on to do exactly the same things the parents did. The naturalist who first made these observations was stunned at the ingenuity displayed - but this is not intelligence, but instinct in action.

And we're back to the original problem. How did the instinct originate? And in some ways even worse, how did it ever enter the genome? (Assuming, of course, that it is located there. If it isn't then the problems for evolution become even more horrendous than they are already). Again notice - if the instinct was absent or incomplete in any way, then the species would have perished immediately it first appeared on the planet. If the young couldn't feed, then a single generation was all that could ever have existed.

If it only had putrefying food, it would perish - and without training in anaesthesiology - the mother is able to inject a non-lethal, paralysing dose of venom into the grubs which are going to be eaten by the young wasp. And all of that so far, is meaningless without the 'igloo' she builds. The young would have to forage for itself, the food grubs would scatter to the four winds, and the species would be extinct. The full development of this concept is given in the text. SO FAR, WE HAVE ONLY MENTIONED EXAMPLES FROM THE ANIMAL WORLD. THE PLANT KINGDOM PRESENTS NO SMALLER PROBLEMS. One of the very biggest problems for evolution, is that plants 'act' with purpose. This is most obvious in the reproduction of plants (and animals, as shown in the Section on 'Reproduction' in the text..

That wonderful, and extremely common species called Vallisneria is a pest because of its reproductive success. But the way it reproduces is simply mind-blowing. The female flower - UNDERWATER! - produces a stigma which grows up to the surface of the water, and there is produces a substance which creates a small depression in the water round it. The male flower.... well, you'll just have to read the book, as that would be giving the wonderful game away! There are other huge problems too. The second biggest, is the fact that the land plants we see everywhere are supposed to have evolved from the algae (like the seaweeds). How did they get on to land and survive? The process as one evolutionist says ' must have been very difficult'! Plants produce roots, which normally grow downwards into the soil and shoots which grow upwards. They could have done the exact oposite - and perished. What makes them do this? Instinct. And how did that originate and enter the genome?

The flowering plants appear with extraordinary abruptness in the fossil record. Darwin rightly called their appearance 'that abominable mystery'. That mystery still remains, and the instinctive behaviour of plants is an embarrassment to the evolutionary botanists. Why do they produce flowers, with pollen and ovaries? Instinctively, in order to reproduce - because they do not learn how to do so - it is inbuilt into them, and that is a definition of instinct. But where does it come from, and how did it enter the genome? We could go on, drawing wonderful example after wonderful example from the text and from nature. But you owe it to yourself to read it. Read it, and ask your evolutionary friends, teachers and professors for comment and explanation of these facts. Make sure they get a complimentary copy (it's cheap enough for the time being), and let their cup overflow. Are you tired of the failure of conventional biology to explain how evolution could have occurred? Do you need examples to confound the evolutionary establishment?

Why not buy a copy today, and equip your armoury with these armour-piercing shells and bombs that can blow evolution sky-high? Share the facts and concepts with your children. If you believe in evolution, then fore warn them of the coming deluge. If you don't, then here is your battle-axe with well-sharpened blade. Teach them about these facts, and let them go fearlessly into the world of evolution theory and demonstrate its inability to provide explanations for these fatal facts. It is probably not overstating the case to say that just as Darwin's Origin of Species overturned the existing scientific world opinion, just so this book will destroy Darwinism and everything that goes with it.

Published at http://www.howdoesinstinctevolve.com

How Does Instinct Evolve? is available at http://www.howdoesinstinctevolve.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Wilfred_Alleyne

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