Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What Can Hypnosis Do For Me?

Rather a lot, actually!

Hypnosis is a wonderful tool for accessing the part of your mind responsible for your emotions and habits (good and bad!) While the conscious part of your mind makes the decisions, it is the subconscious that is responsible for controlling you. This is why habits are so hard to break using willpower. Willpower is a conscious decision to do or not do something. If you want to really break a habit, you have to change the way you control and feel about it.

Using a metaphor, think of your mind like a bus. The driver of the bus is you, or rather the conscious, decision-making part of you and the engine of the bus is your subconscious. Your subconscious stores all your memories and emotions, regulates your body and generally "keeps you going". So, while you can make a (conscious) decision to stop doing something, like a bad habit, you won't actually succeed if your unconscious thinks it serves some positive benefit. A good example is smoking. You may want to stop, but if you did, you would not want to socialize with all your smoking friends any more. So you would lose a positive benefit (being with a certain group of friends).

You can achieve anything if you put your mind to it - or more accurately, if you can convince your subconscious that it's a good idea. This is where hypnosis comes in. Hypnosis is basically guided trance. By using hypnosis you can bypass the critical, thinking part of the mind and reason with the subconscious, where the real changes can take place. Once you convince the subconscious part of your mind of the benefits to changing certain behaviors or habits, the rest is easy.

About the author

Wendy K. Cooke CH. is a Certified Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner, and Time Line Therapy™ Practitioner.
To learn more about Hypnosis, NLP, TLT and their benefits, visit thinkingpositively.com, or become a Facebook fan.

©Copyright 2010 by Wendy K. Cooke, CH. All Rights Reserved.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Wendy_K._Cooke

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